
This garden is coordinated by the Churchill Park Community Garden Collective a group of gardeners and community volunteers. We look forward to the upcoming season and hope that you will join our garden community. Please feel free to explore this website for more information.

If you have any questions or would like to join, please contact us at garden@opirg.ca.

Garden Guidelines

Membership: For the 2013 growing season the fee is $60.00 per 4 x 5 metre plot.

Operating Schedule: Victoria Day Long Weekend 2013 to Halloween, October 31, 2013. Open daily from 8am to 8pm May through August, and 8am to 1/2 hour before sunset September through October.  Please respect the gardening hours set by the garden volunteer coordinators.

Parking: There is no parking for gardeners inside the garden gates.  Drop off and pick up are permitted.  Please ensure any vehicles are out of the gardens before closing time.

Garden Maintenance: I will have something planted in the garden by mid-June, otherwise my garden plot will be considered abandoned.  Weeding and general upkeep of your garden plot is essential to good neighbourly relationships; this includes the areas immediately surrounding your plot. Failure to keep weeds at a reasonable level to avoid infesting other gardens is grounds for non-renewal the next year. Tall plants should be planted only where they do not shade neighbouring plots.

Abandonment: Evidence of abandonment will result in written notice to remedy the situation followed by cancellation of the access agreement for the balance of the season with no refund two weeks after written notice is given provided no response has been received. If I must abandon my plot for any reason, I will notify the garden coordinators.

Water: Tapped water supply is available for use by all. Use water conscientiously and conserve water by using mulches.

Tools: A limited number of garden tools, wheelbarrows and watering cans are provided for use by gardeners.  Please return tools to the storage shed after use cleaned of dirt and ready for use by others.  Please keep the storage shed in a neat and tidy manner as a courtesy to others.  No off-site use of CPCG tools is permitted.  Individuals are personally responsible for their own tools brought on site.

Pesticides:  Use of pesticides is strictly prohibited.  Any violation will result in immediate cancellation of plot rental with no refund. Gardeners are encouraged to use organic gardening methods and materials, avoiding synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and weed repellents. (If you are struggling with invasive plants/pests/disease, please contact the garden committee for recommendations on how to treat them in an organic manner).

Removal of Produce:  No produce should go to waste.  Gardeners are encouraged to share surplus harvest with area institutions, food banks, friends, family and the Aviary. Gardeners will pick only their own crops unless given permission by another plot’s gardener.

End of Season Clean-up: Gardeners are responsible for removing all debris (fencing, wire cages, wooden stakes, string, etc.) from their plots at the end of the season. If you do not have space to store your implements over the winter they may be kept stacked neatly and securely by the garden shed. Failure to safely and neatly remove any objects from your plot may result in cancellation of plot the following year.

Children & Pets: Children are an important part of the gardening experience.  Please ensure their safety and respect for neighbouring gardens.  Pets are not allowed within the Community Garden location.

Property:  The site in which the community garden is located is shared by two other groups; Aviary and Herb Garden Volunteers. Please respect these organizations property as well as the surrounding residential neighbour. If you notice any damage to CPCG property, inform garden coordinators. Please leave the site in better shape than when you arrived…pitch in and clean up litter in or around CPCG site.

Assistance: Contact Churchill Park Community Garden Collective at garden@opirg.ca .